
"AI+Experts" Screening, Expert Assessment & Advice

X-in Miao Charity has initiated two projects: AI+Experts and Expert's Evaluation to help scoliosis patients. To receive professional advice, you need only to scan the QR code, upload a picture of your bare back, and provide basic background information. Then experts of scoliosis will conduct scoliosis screening, based on the photos you have sent, and provide medical advice for you. That way you can enjoy hospital-level service at home.


Manual screening to AI screening



Since 2010, Professor Yang Jun Lin and his team have completed a nationwide scoliosis screening study for 6 years. The number of participants was around 1.8 million people. As the cost of manual screening was costly and required experts to guarantee its accuracy, it was difficult to conduct large school screening of scoliosis around China. For better scoliosis results, Professor Yang and his team through research found that taking photos of scoliosis patient's bare back reflected (to an extent) the degree of scoliosis. The team cooperates with  Professor Lin Hao Tian (The Ophthalmology Center of Sun Yat-Sen University) and Liu Xi Yang (Xian University of Electronic Technology) to develop a deep learning screening technology for scoliosis.


Professor Yang and his team are the first to establish an AI system that performs scoliosis screening based on a picture a of patient's bare back. This AI system can help diagnose whether a patient has scoliosis and determine whether they need further treatment. Plus, the accuracy of the AI system has reached the expertise level of an average orthopedist.   




Screening is the ultimate goal


AI screening can lower the production cost, labor resource, and capital resource. Compared to manual screening, AI screening is time effective, economically friendly, and helpful in large scoliosis screening.


Unfortunately, many adolescent patients, diagnosed with scoliosis, failed to choose a proper treatment to correct scoliosis. As a result, the patients did not fully recover; moreover, scoliosis has worsened to an extent that caused the children to refuse treatments. The presented situation is something Professor Yang worried about. He said "when the AI system came out, many patients received incorrect treatment that delayed illness recovery, which caused damage to the economy, and affected the children's emotion. This is something that I don't want to see." The most effective way of improving scoliosis is prevention. Early intervention and early treatment can prevent 99% of patients from undergoing high-risk surgeries. If you discover that your friend has scoliosis problems, please do not hesitate to forward this article to them. They will thank you later. Everyone's growth path is not smooth, and your spine is only temporarily bent. Don't worry, with the help of Xinmiao Charity, your spine will get better. X-in Miao will help you move towards a better life.