
In 2010, X-in Miao Charity was founded by the Guangdong Youth Development Foundation along with the Scoliosis Center at The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University. This charity is China's first specialized funding group with orthopedic experts and screening team that focuses on conservative treatments, surgery treatments and scoliosis screening for scoliosis patients. 


Ten years since its creation, X-in Miao Charity has always focused on accurate screening and effective treatments for scoliosis patients. That way orthopedic experts help the patient avoid high-risk surgical treatments. Under the guidance of these goals, X-in Miao Charity has invested in public welfare projects such as massive school scoliosis screening and providing education on scoliosis to 1.8 million adolescents. The charity has also provided funds to 280 patients who needed surgical treatments. By advocating our prevention model for effective screening and testing scoliosis, we hope to develop a nationwide caution about this public health issue. That way, we could prevent and minimize the number of scoliosis around the country. 



Funding goals 



After the comprehensive assessment of the patient's condition, family economic situation, and other conditions by the Xinmiao Charity. In principle, funding will be provided according to the following standards:



● Scoliosis surgery funds (in RMB)

   First level: 30 000 or below
   Second level: 30 000 to 50 000
   Third level: 50 000 to 100 000


● Scoliosis presurgical traction treatment funds (in RMB)

   100˚ ≤ 130˚ : 2000 
   130˚≤ 160˚ : 3500
   ≥160 ˚ :  5000



Conservative treatment funding is 50% of the cost of conservative treatment. If the patient is engaged in more than one conservative treatment, they need to apply separately, each single application can only be applied once a year.


Noted: the final decision-making and interpretation of the above funding arrangements rests with the X-in Miao Charity of the Guangdong Youth Development Foundation.





Guangdong Youth Development Fund



Guangdong Youth Development Fund was established in April 1994. The fund is a 5A public fund to support youth groups or individuals at home or abroad. It aims to promote youth's education, development, technology, culture, social welfare, and environment. The fund believes that through subsidized services, it could help young people grow up healthily and improve their social environment. 

Up until 2019, Guangdong Hope Project has raised 1.175 billion yuan. Moreover, the fund has subsidized 212.5 thousand students in difficulty, assisting in the construction of 890 Hope Primary Schools, building 399 "Happy Kitchens" and "Hope Kitchens," and 589 "Hope Homes." It has selected 1,752 volunteers from the Hope Rural Teacher Program to implement. There were 616 cases of significant disease relief. The scale of fund-raising and funding has always been at the forefront nationally.

Clearance List